2012年8月1日 星期三

不丹國王與王后的生活點滴 ~ Jul 2012

2012/7/21: 不丹國王與王后到首都廷布的Memorial Chorten拜祭三世國王, 亦為不丹的幸福快樂而祝禱, 其他王室成員亦有出席.
2012/7/16: 不丹國王與王后到Gelephu探訪, 特別走進鎮內每家商店探訪.

2012/7/18: 不丹國王夫婦在Tsirang的Damphu鎮探訪市民.
2012/7/26: 不丹國王在Wangduephodrang賜7600公頃土地給Wangdue人民, 共在Wangdue會見350位政府官員, 職員, 退休公務員, 退休軍人, 農村老人等等.
2012/7/3: 不丹國王與王后出席第三屆全國廟宇大會, 出席的各級僧侶來自全國各地.
2012/7/9: 不丹國王在Haa會見正在Haa主持宗教儀式的國師傑堪布, 國王亦同時接見Haa的政府官員, 下午國王去到在上年地震受到損壞的兩個寺廟探訪, 並在寺中祈福, 祈求國家平安, 人民快樂.
2012/7/11: 不丹國王出席國會休會儀式.
2012/7/11: 不丹國與兩位公主跟國會議員合照.
2012/7/11: 不丹國王與王后看望上週在Sarpang當值時遭伏擊喪命的不丹皇家軍隊士兵的家人, 國王表揚殉職士兵為國家奉獻生命的無私精神, 國王向殉職士兵的妻子和父母致謝, 亦承諾照顧殉職士兵的三名孩子日後的生活.
2012/7/13: 國王在Punakha Dzong發出諭令.

Kasho (Royal Edict) Granted on 13 July 2012
On the 24th of June, the historic Wangduephodrang Dzong was destroyed by fire. However, through the efforts of the armed forces, dzongkhag officials, De-suups and concerned citizens, we were able to retrieve our sacred relics. I am deeply grateful.

It is through the strength and faith of our people and the spirituality of our nation that these sacred ancient treasures remain with us, in spite of the tragic fire.

In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, our people from all walks of life have strived, within each one’s means, to contribute towards fulfilling our fervent hope that the dzong may be urgently restored.

I am deeply touched and inspired by our people’s unity and nobility of purpose.
Therefore, I hereby grant Nu.100 million from the Armed Forces to the Zhung Dratshang for the Dzong Reconstruction Fund.

In addition, I offer Nu.100 million from the Kidu Foundation.

These funds I grant on behalf of our People of the 20 dzongkhags and together as one, my People and I, pray for the continued peace, prosperity and happiness of our beloved nation.

Granted on the 13th of July 2012

Punakha Dzong.

His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo
2012/7/13: 不丹國王在Wangduephodrang向正在進行訓練的第四屆災難緊急應變隊成員作出演講.
2012/7/13: 不丹國與王后與災難緊急應變隊受訓成員合照.
Source: BBS, Kuensel, Yahoo! Japan, excite.co.jp, Bhutan News Services
Yahoo! Blog 累積瀏覽 585 as at 16/12/2013

